Apologize about the delay, but we have been awaiting word from the
city and NFL on our permit for hosting our events this season in Arizona.
Those of you who have been monitoring Lingerie Bowl publicity in
Arizona since our announcement in March are well aware that we were the most
talked about event surrounding Super Bowl XLII and continue to draw alot of
interest from media, corporate sponsors and Arizona residents. All of
this public awareness of Lingerie Bowl V has apparently made the NFL
uncomfortable about having our events within 2 miles of their festivities at
University of Phoenix Stadium, basically they are concerned that we
would draw interest away from the 'NFL Experience'.
The host city has to cater to the NFL and thus has chosen to reject
our permit and thus canceling our season. For those of you that have been
involved with the Lingerie Bowl, you know that this was our first
season venturing into Super Bowl's backyard, we have learned alot about the
process (do's and dont's) of how to attain a permit early as to avoid any
issues involving the NFL. In fact, we have already located and contracted
for our venue in Tampa, FL (Site of Next Year's Super Bowl/Lingerie Bowl).
This is disappointing especially considering the time/energy and
resource alot of great people within my team at Horizon and those of you
placed toward the season, however with the launch of the Lingerie Football
League (LFL) and taking on a multi-billion dollar media conglomerate as a
partner, we have an incredible 2008/2009 taking shape.
From the current roster of three Los Angeles based teams, we will
only be keeping the Los Angeles Temptation. however, most of you who are LA
based will have an opportunity to land on that team (larger roster). The
official LFL site will be launching the Monday following Super Bowl and will
include all 10 teams.
We appreciate all the positive emails and eagerness from each of you
these past few weeks and look forward to hitting the field with you later
this year. Our team will be hosting events throughout the summer in each
of the 10 cities which have LFL teams to promote awareness and will include
each of you. (Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas, San Diego, New York,
Chicago, Miami, Tampa and Atlanta)
Once again, thank you for being part of the Lingerie Bowl family,
each of you mean alot to us and will be remembered and awarded as the
franchise continues to evolve and grow. We are the biggest and most talked
about attraction surrounding Super Bowl each season, so rest assured that
we will back this upcoming season!