Shape of things to come?


A once terribly thin model named Crystal Renn, starved herself to pursue her dream of becoming a super model, Until one day she saw the light while watching Super chef Nigella Lawson.

The 21 year old craved food, but desperately wanted to be a haute couture model, she had a desicion to make, Crystal decided to eat, and the unexpected happened, not only did Crystal gain weight and become a Sultry voluptuous size 16, but her dream became a reality, she now heads campaigns for elite designers Jean Paul Gaultier, Dolce & Gabbana.

In an exclusive interview with the Sun, Crystal said :

"I’ve never been in so much demand. I wasn’t getting jobs like this when I
was skinny and I feel so privileged to be working for Gaultier and

"I’ve seen models who are naturally really thin."

"But then you meet the other ones who, like me, give up so much of
their life just for this. "

"No one should die for a job."

"That was my realization – I thought, ‘I’m going to kill myself, to

"It doesn’t matter in the end, it’s how happy you are."

Well Crystal we agree, you look totally stunning and super models for sure can
come in all different shapes and sizes!

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Model Vanity ofrece Castings para Modelos, servicio de estudio fotografico profesional, servicio de Agencia, videos de edecanes alfitronas; Entrevistas con Modelos al Nivel Mundial y cobertura de los eventoas mas sexy de USA. Tambien ofrecemos nuestro evento mundial, MV Expo. MV Expo hace jira por todo el Mundo coronando nuestra chica Miss Model Vanity. MV esta localizado en Hollywood, Ca USA.