Name: Jamie Lee
website: http://www.myspace.com/jlsjls_jamie
Height: 5'7
Weight: 123 lbs.
Measurements: 34-35-34
nationality: white
Hometown: i live in junction city Oregon now but moved from veneta oregon.
DOB: 10-24-82
Occupation: model
Turn On: i really like when a guy goes out of the way for a girl. even if it's doing something little
for her.
Turn Off: i hate when a guy is selfish, or puts his needs before the girl.
Ink? How many? yes, i have 2 tattoos a small one on my ankle and it's cherries and a flower on my lower back.
Favorite Designer: i like a lot of designers. it changes all the time.
Favorite Clothing Store: i like all stores as long as they have cute stuff!
Runway or Glamour? right now i'm more of a glamour model.
Sexiest Man? any guy with brown or hazel eyes. i love eyes!
Sexiest Woman? i love heidi klum a lot.
Do you sleep naked? i sleep naked all the
time. if not something small and compfy.
Favorite Digital Gadget? i love taking pictures so for sure a digital camera!
Favorite Magazine besides ModelVanity? i
like people magazine a lot. i like to see what everyone wears and try to pick up hair and makeup ideas.
Favorite Possession? i have to keep pictures. they have lots of memories. i never throw any
Do it yourself type? (y/n) at first if i don't know how to do something or need help, i ask. but if i figure it out i'd rather do it on my own.
What 3 Items on a deserted Island? food. not just 'cause i need it, but i love to eat! a radio 'cause i love music. i listen to it a lot and love it all!
Tropical or Cold climate? anyone who knows me knows i love to be warm. i get cold so easy. in fact i'm wraped up in a blanket right now, lol.
Hyper or Chill? i'm a pretty chill person most of the time...But when it's time to have fun,
that's a diffrent story.
favorite car? i've always liked jacke up pickup trucks lol
favorite food??? hum... i have so many lol. i like Mexican food a lot but my favorite is cherry cheese cake! yum! i like mochas a lot. i also like smoothies!
Favorite Music? i like all music. it depends what type of mood i'm in but i usually listen to
something upbeat.
Vegas, Miami, Hollywood, Ibiza, Paris, London? miami for sure. It is warm, relaxing, by the water you can also party.

Jamie, what was life like growing up? i'm not going to lie. Life wasn't the best growing up. but that just made me stronger in the long run. :)
Where you popular in High School? i w
asn't that popular in highschool. lol. i was so quiet. People didn't get a chance to know me.
What is the first compliment you get? my eyes. people like my eyes a lot.
How did you start modeling? i actually just started modeling last summer (2007). i started a myspace one day when i was bored. Then i put up some random pictures of me on it. Soon photographers started to contact me. at the end fun! (MV - We feel this interview will get your more exposure)
What was it like to pose the first time? I wanted to do everything just right. I didn't want to mess up! :) actually, i love it. It's fun to me!
How long have you been modeling? about 5 months
What is your favorite type of pose? any pose where i look good lol.
What sets you apart from other models? i feel like i'm really diving into modeling, but i used to be a tom boy when i was little. i never thought i was pretty.
Who is your favorite model? heidi klum! she's pretty and does the same type of modeling i do pluse she has a great personality too.
What makes a good photographer? communication for sure and they have to smile too. it makes it hard when a photographer is too serious.
What do you do to keep fit? honestly. i don't work out. I really should tho. But then again what's the point if people think i do anyway? lol.
Any current exciting projects your working on? yes, i've been getting a lot of really good job offers in magazines, just even starting to model is something i never thought i'd be doing. No matter what job i'm doing. i'm glad to be modeling. :)
Ever thought about acting? i have thought about acting. I wonder if i would be good at it? (MV Staff would go watch any movie with Jamie in it!)
What are you dreams/goals in life? my goals in life are to take every chance i'm giving and just to be a happy and good person.
Where will you be in 5 years? i would like to be a well known model in 5 years. that would be nice!
What can fans do to support your career? just to have fans is good. If they like me that's all i need.
Do you like to travel? i would LOVE to travel more. I have a feeling i will get the chance soon! i haven't been far out of oregon. lol. there's so much more to see! i would love to go anywhere tropical!
What is your favorite place to visit? I've always wanted to go to hawaii! (MV will be announcing a special model search competition soon, winner gets to go to Hawaii on us!)
What Makes you feel sexy? i feel sexy when i'm told i look sexy by someone that means it. :)
Has anyone every tried to hold you back in life? the only person that could hold me back in life could be me.
Is there a significant other in your life currently? yes there is. :)
If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be, and why? it would be nice to meet Martin Luther King! I think he's a great person and what he did in life was amazing!
What is the best compliment you ever had? that i am a good person. :)
Who has been the most inspiration person in your life? everyone who believes in me. :)
What advice do you have for upcoming models? i would say to new models, look at me, I never thought that i would even be doing this and i am. I too just started out and as long as you have the drive....thats all that matters 'cause that's all you need. Just believe you can do it. :) you will get to where you want to be! :)
Any final farewell Message for fans? to my fans, just keep on being a fan! I need you guys and you really do matter to me! thanks so much! :)