Name: Clara
Website: myspace.com/amazingmodelclara
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125
Measurements: 34D-23-33
nationality: Italian, American Indian, German
Hometown: Baltimore
DOB: 2 24 81
Languages Spoken: English, Little Italian and German, and Sign Lamguage
How long modeling? Few years
Occupation: Educator (MV - Jaw Drops =)
Turn On: Nice Smile and bedroom eyes
Turn Off: Smoke and arrogance
Skills: hmmm... my little secret
Ink? How many? none
Favorite Shoes: Wow too many I love to narrow it down
Favorite Makeup: Natural
Favorite Jewelry Designer: Tacori
Favorite Clothing Store: CACHE
Runway or Glamour? Glamour
Favorite Magazine besides ModelVanity? Oxygen
Sexiest Man? James Marsden
Sexiest Woman? My good friend Jamie Eason
Do you sleep naked? Yes its the only way to sleep
Thong, Panties, Commando? Depends on outfit I am wearing
Favorite Digital Gadget? My camera of course
Favorite Possession? My house
Any Pets? Yes dog and turtle
Do it yourself type? (y/n) Yes or it doesnt get done correctly
What 3 Items on a deserted Island? hmmmm.... green tea, and two genie filled lamps so I have six wishes (MV - Thats what we were thinking all along too!)
Tropical or Cold climate? Tropical but both can be beautiful
Hyper or Chill? Both at times...lol
Favorite Car: Sprint Race Car
Favorite food? or Drink? Chocolate covered strawberries and drink is green tea
Favorite Music: Depends on situation I really enjoy all music
Bedtime: When street lights come on.. lol
Vegas, Miami, Hollywood, Ibiza, Paris, London, Dubai, Hong Kong, Tokyo? Paris

Clara, What was life like growing up? It was tough and fun
Were you popular in High School? Guess so
What is the first compliment you get? My eyes are beautiful or if we talk for a while they compliment me on my personality
How did you start modeling? My best friend put me in a pageant
What was it like to pose the first time? I almost fell off stage because my legs were shaking so bad
Do you get nervous before your shoots? Yes but I know I always have fun not matter what
What is your favorite type of pose? I dont really have a favorite I just relax and do what feels right or what the photographer suggests
What sets you apart from other models? My personality.. I am goofy and love to have fun. I am a geninune kind hearted wholesome all american girl. Looks quickly fade but inner beauty always shines through.
Who is your favorite model? My friend Jamie Eason. (MV - Tracking her for a feature!)
What makes a good photographer? A good photographer can capture the beauty of ANYTHING and ANYONE. He/she pays attention to small details and lets you know what looks good and what doesnt. He/she knows how to have fun and smile..:-)
What do you do to keep fit? I train in Mixed Martial Arts and Braziallian Jiu Jitzu at GARFIELD BJJ in Annapolis. I am also a Kickboxing Instructor and Personal Trainer at Premier Health and Fitness in Odenton. (MV - Impressed!)
Any current exciting projects your working on? Competing in MMA fight
What has been your most significant accomplishment in the industry so far? Winning Miss Motorama it was for a charity cause and I love to help out children and charities. So it was the most rewarding.
Ever thought about acting? I have done some BIP and extra parts as well as commericals but I am not someone who can pretend to be someone I am not very well. So acting is not really for me.
What are you dreams/goals in life? To live a happy, healthy life because you are never promised a tomorrow. I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again. We are not here merely to make a living. We are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. We are here to enrich the world, and we impoverish ourself if we forget the errand. My goal is to not forget the errand. (MV - WOW, nice response!)
Do you like to travel? YES I love it!!!
What is your favorite place to visit? Hmmm... since I havent visited a lot of places yet I would have to say the place I would LIKE to visit would be HAWAII. I have never been there and hear its beautiful.
What Makes you feel sexy? A good hair day..lol
Has anyone every tried to hold you back in life? uh... yeah I believe a lot of people have tried. But I have learned that people who tear you down it is their way of feeling superior, they possess fears and insecurities and have no other way to handle those insecurities. Hurtful words can sting but only for a second because at that same second I turned those words around to build on my foundation of strength and determination. Some people would rather try to blame others to bring them down to their level rather than take responsibilities for their own actions but rather than feeling like I was taking their burden I was the reflection of who they wished to be. I
have learned I can only define myself and to accept no ones definition of my life. (MV - Ok, Clara for President!)
Is there a significant other in your life currently? No
What can guys do to be more attractive to women? Just be themselves at least in my eyes. You can only pretend to be someone you are not for so long. Dont try to do what you think the woman wants you to do.. do what feels right and be respectful, honest and open at all times.
If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be, and why? Meet anyone... I would have to say not neccessarially meet anyone but to have a few more moments with my mom that passed away in my arms a couple years ago would be nice.
Who has been the most insipiration person in your life? My mom
What advice do you have for upcoming models? Be yourself and have fun
What can fans do to support your career? Promote me as much as possible and sponsorships for events are always needed....
Any final farewell Message for fans? One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes. In the long run, we shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And, the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these. (MV - Philosophically lyrically resonating!)