Name: GEM
Website: greeneyedmammi.com and myspace.com/greeneyedmammi69
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135
Measurements: 33D-24-38
nationality: Puerto Rican, German, & African American
Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
DOB: 11/12
Languages Spoken: English, & little Spanish
How long modeling? Since I was a teenager
Occupation: Electronic Banking Specialist
Nickname?: Green Eyed Mammi - GEM
Turn On: Tattoos, sense of humor, sarcasm, a big appetite
Turn Off: long hair, gold teeth, gang members
Skills: numb chuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Guys only want girlfriends who have great skills (lol, Napoleon Dynamite)
Ink? How many? yes, 5 (lower back, shoulder, back of neck, and pelvic
Favorite Designer: Anything that fits.... I love comfortable clothes
Favorite Shoes: Any and everything... I am known for having too many shoes... it’s a sickness
Favorite Makeup: Mac Studio Fix Liquid NC42 and I cant live with out liquid eyeliner and mascara
Favorite Jewelry Designer: I love all accessories
Favorite Clothing Store: I really don’t have one
Favorite Photographers? Sterling, Jason Vue, Mason, Pete Flanagan, Blo, Rosen, Mikey Boy... the list is endless... I have been blessed to work with some of the best!
Runway or Glamour? Glamour
Favorite Magazine besides ModelVanity? Smooth, Black Men’s Magazine, VIBE. SHOW, & KING
Sexiest Man? TI and Allen Iverson
Sexiest Woman? Beyonce and Nicole Scherzinger
Do you sleep naked? Sometimes
Thong, Panties, Commando? Boy Shorts
Favorite Digital Gadget? My watch... lol
Favorite Possession? My Marc Jacobs bag....
PC or Mac? PC
Any Pets? yes... Ms Pucci my kitty
Do it yourself type? YES... very independent
What 3 Items on a deserted Island? a handsome man to build and find stuff, a hair brush, and matches
Tropical or Cold climate? Tropical
Hyper or Chill? Both... I'm kinda animated
Favorite Car: Infiniti FX
Favorite food? or Drink? Tacos hands down - Tequila
Favorite Music: all
Bedtime: 10:30 (I gotta get a full 8 hours)
Vegas, Miami, Hollywood, Ibiza, Paris, London, Dubai, Hong Kong, Tokyo? Miami

GEM, What was life like growing up? Life was good... My family didn’t have much money so I'm pretty humble and down to earth... I have a little sister who I am very close to so we caused a bunch of trouble for my parents.... we survived
Were you popular in High School? Not really... I was pretty much a geek focused on my schoolwork. Graduated the top of my class from a rigorous program but people seem to remember me....
What is the first compliment you get? Your a lot nicer then I thought you'd be.... or you have pretty eyes
How did you start modeling? I seen an add for a modeling school, saved my babysitting money that summer and attended the winter session... I was in love from that point forward.
What was it like to pose the first time? Awkward, but I was beyond excited
Do you get nervous before your shoots? Sometimes, especially if I have to wear clothes... lol I am not a fashion type model. I love glamour, so I am usually in a swim suit, bra & panties, you know...
Your most embarrassing Model shoot moment? I am pretty goofy so I don’t get embarrassed easily, so I can’t seem to remember any time.
What is your favorite type of pose? Anything that accentuates my body.... those are usually the poses that hurt.
What sets you apart from other models? I am very charismatic so photographers tend to like to work with me. I am pretty much open to anything unless I have to exploit myself so I'm pretty easy going. I'm also very versatile... a chameleon - I can pretty much become what you need me to be!
Who is your favorite model? Yolie St Villien, Nicloe Ricca, Tyra Banks, and Shakara Ledard
What makes a good photographer? I love to shoot with someone who I have good chemistry with...
What do you do to keep fit? "Great Buns Guaranteed" "Only 11Min A Day DVD
Are you enhanced? I got my knees done (white chicks* kidding) (MV - Is that the movie?, we don't watch movies, we're too busy programming)
Any current exciting projects your working on? I am shooting for Picture Dis Magazine Issue #2, Urban Curves Magazine, Boss Up Magazine, Fuze Magazine, New Power Magazine, and more... I am also reading for 3 movies... I am working on a calendar and always working on new pictures for my site and merchandise for my store. My mobile wallpapers will be available soon through Oasys Mobile, so I am really excited about that. Stay tuned to my website www.greeneyedmammi.com or www.myspace.com/greeneyedmammi69 to get all of the up-to-date information.
What has been your most significant accomplishment in the industry so far? Just being recognized by the industry. I am looking to do big things in '08 and it has already started with a bang! I have been contacted by 3 major national publications, so that lets me know that I am being seen.
Ever thought about acting? I am planning to take that route in 2008 - Acting is a very scary thought for me but you don’t know your not good at something until you’ve tried and failed... I may be the next Halle...
What are you dreams/goals in life? Ultimately I wanna be an icon for young people to look up to... show young girls that being stick skinny isn’t beautiful and that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes... I just started wearing my hair natural to show that being ethnic is beautiful.
Where will you be in 5 years? At the top
Do you like to travel? I love to travel and experience new things
What is your favorite place to visit? I love New York... it is my second home. I would be living in Belize if I could* it is beautiful.
What Makes you feel sexy? To be wet.... water is so sensual to me
Has anyone every tried to hold you back in life? Yes most definitely, but as I have progressed they’ve remained stagnant... that’s life
What can guys do to be more attractive to women? Don’t try so hard.... you can't keep the lie up forever.
If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be, and why? I would say TI cuz he is suppose to be my babies daddy BUT it would probably be Nas or Timberland they are both very talented at what they do and to be around someone who is so compassionate is often inspirational*. Plus I’m a hip-hop head* Nas is one of my favorite artists and whatever Timberland touches turns to gold.
What is the best compliment you ever had? That I was very intelligent* In the modeling industry you are often seen as just being an object* that picture of me with the Calculus book was actually a shoot where I was studying for my finals* there is more to life then just being pretty.
Any Sex Tips? Let go and don’t think too much about it* it’s a lot more fun that way
Tell us something story about your PET: Just yesterday I went to go clean Pucci’s kitty box and there was a little square of toilet paper lying on the floor* the thought crossed my mind, “is Pucci wiping her little kitty booty?”
Who has been the most inspiration person in your life? Tyra banks* that girl is out there doing anything and everything and she seems to be so down to earth. She has by far surpassed what a super model could ever be* everyone knows who she is!
What advice do you have for upcoming models? Shoot- shoot - shoot* you get better with practice* you get to know your good angles, what looks hot and what doesn’t* ask the photographer to see the entire shoot so you know what works for you and what doesn’t. Also get together with a group of girls, there is nothing worse then in the glamour business going to shoot with a photographer and being placed in a compromising situation. If you have others there to support you your less likely to be pressured to takes photos your not comfortable taking* plus your gonna need the support. (MV - This is excellent advice)
What can fans do to support your career? Two things - Visit my website www.greeneyedmammi.com and stop by my SHOP. Also send me love on myspace. I love to hear how people are doing and what they think about my work (yes I personally check my myspace!)
Any final farewell Message for fans? I just wanna say thanks to all the people who have constantly held me down, Kim (Ladies of Soul), Afro Preachah, Benitez (BRM Photography), Zoe, Deacon, Malcolm, Peach, Katie, Jessica, Thai, Kristina, Sterling (Picture Dis Photography), Jason Vue, Mason, Blo Photography, Peter Flanagan, Mikey Boy, and the list goes on
and on* you are appreciated. To my die hard fans, you know who you are, thanks for everything that you do from posting bulletins, creating fan groups, responding to my blogs, leaving me comments, to just plain showing me love! For all of you who it is your first time seeing me, please visit my website www.greeneyedmammi.com and save me as a friend on MySpace www.myspace.com/greeneyedmammi69